Supporters rally for Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk ahead of European elections

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In a significant political event, supporters of Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk made a rally in Warsaw’s Castle Square on Tuesday. The rally, strategically held just days before the European elections, featured passionate displays of pro-European sentiment, with many participants carrying banners proclaiming, “We are citizens of the EU”.

The rally date, June 4th, holds historical importance as it commemorates the anniversary of Poland’s first partially free elections in 1989, a pivotal moment when Poland was transitioning from being a satellite state of the Soviet Union.

Addressing the enthusiastic crowd, Prime Minister Tusk emphasized the crucial nature of the upcoming European elections, particularly in the context of the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. “I, for one, am very worried about the outcome of these elections. I would personally very much like to be with Europe, and I can’t imagine a different future”, Tusk expressed, highlighting his commitment to a united Europe.

Tusk underscored the geopolitical stakes, stating, “Listen, believe me. Over there in the Kremlin, for them (the Russian government), the possible political capture of Brussels would be more important than the capture of Kharkiv. This fight over who will rule in Poland, and now the fight over who will rule in Europe, is also a fight to prevent war from entering our borders”.

The objective of the supporters with the rally

The rally aimed by supporters of Tusk ahead of the European elections scheduled for June 9th. As the largest faction in Poland’s predominantly pro-European coalition government, the Civic Coalition plays a pivotal role in the country’s political landscape.

Donald Tusk, a former President of the European Council, succeeded Poland’s previous right-wing nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) party, which had been critical of the European Union. Tusk aspires for his party to secure the most European Parliament seats allotted to Poland in the forthcoming election. Such a victory would not only solidify the Civic Coalition’s dominance in Polish politics but also bolster its influence within the European Union.

However, Tusk faces criticism from the PiS party, which accuses him of being excessively compliant to Germany and the broader EU. Despite these allegations, Tusk remains steadfast in his vision of a future closely aligned with European values and institutions, advocating for Poland’s continued integration and leadership within the EU.