The president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, today accused the government of being “incapable and ineffective” and said that “it is sitting on its hands” in the face of the global problem in healthcare, where he recalled his proposal for a state pact.
Fernández Mañueco stated that the problem in healthcare is global and the Government should lead a state pact, but “it is sitting on its hands”. He also referred to the demographic challenge as a global issue, which he described as “a challenge” for the European Union.
Asked by journalists before attending a Europa Press breakfast briefing in Madrid whose protagonist was the President of the Xunta de Galicia, Alfonso Rueda, he said he was unaware of the context in which the PP MP Víctor Píriz called the Minister for Equality, Irene Montero, “useless”.
However, he said that “this government is incapable and ineffective and acts improperly” because, in his opinion, it “fails” to protect women and minors with the “only yes is yes” law. “His policies are ineffective”, he said.
Finally, he expressed his agreement with the Xunta de Galicia on matters such as infrastructures and the Atlantic Corridor or the management of essential public services.