RTVE wants to hire a branding consultancy to improve its image
RTVE’s image is one of the aspects that most concern the corporation’s directors. It is in fact one of the five most important risks facing the public broadcaster, as acknowledged in its Annual Report last year.
This document reflects that “the political alternation, interests and struggles of the political parties condition a future plan for CRTVE, due to the difficulty to establish a cross-party consensus”.
The corporation is to revamp its corporate image after recording the worst audience figures in its history.
This partisan image of public television and also the difficulty in reaching younger targets are two of the factors that have led it to record minimal audiences. Last year, La 1 had an audience share of 8.8%, the lowest figure in its history, which places it as the third option on DTT.
To reverse this situation, the corporation is carrying out several measures. Nine months ago it launched what it called La Gran Consulta (The Great Consultation), by means of which a bus has travelled around Spain to find out “what the citizens want the RTVE of the future to be like”.
Another way RTVE has found to improve its image in the eyes of public opinion is to hire a branding consultancy firm, which is why it has launched a public tender for its selection.
The public company’s aim in hiring a branding agency is, according to the tender documents, to solve the current branding problems, to convey to the outside world the internal change process that RTVE is undergoing, and to transmit a rejuvenated, avant-garde, agile, efficient and open image.
To achieve all this, the contracted consultancy will first have to carry out a brand analysis of RTVE, for which it will have to organise different focus groups and make comparisons with other foreign public broadcasters.
With all this research, the branding agency will then be in charge of defining a brand strategy and a new corporate identity. On this last point, RTVE will ask the company awarded the service to provide a totally disruptive line and another that is more evolutionary than the current image, and then choose between them. According to the briefing, RTVE will not only have a new image -with a different logo-, but also a renewed sound identity.
Finally, the selected branding agency will have to make a promotional video of the new corporate identity of the public company, as well as a plan to communicate it internally and externally.
447,000 euros for one year of work
All this service is valued by RTVE at 447,000 euros. Of this, the corporation estimates that 125,000 euros will be used to cover the salary costs of the five professionals that the agency will have to include in the project. The contract will be for a period of one year.
To select the branding consultant, RTVE will award a maximum of 50 points to the technical offers, where the proposal for the new logo, the work team or the branding solution provided will be evaluated, among others. The other 50 points will be distributed according to the economic offer.