Petrol and diesel prices on the rise during July’s exit operation
Petrol and diesel prices continue their upward trend, marking their second consecutive week of increases. During the second half of July, both fuels experienced significant increases of 0.5% and 0.9%, respectively, reaching levels close to those recorded last May.
According to the European Union (EU) Oil Bulletin, which consulted data from more than 11,400 service stations in Spain between 11 and 17 July, the average price of petrol stood at 1.602 euros per litre, while diesel exceeded 1.453 euros.
These values represent the highest prices since the beginning of May, when a litre of petrol was priced at 1.622 euros and diesel at 1.464 euros. Since then, fuels have experienced a series of three consecutive falls followed by five rises.
Compared to the same period last year, when the 20 cents per litre discount approved by the government was still in force, petrol is 12.3% cheaper and diesel costs 18% less. However, in the last month, the price of petrol has increased by 0.4%, while that of diesel has risen by 1.8%.
Compared to the first week of this year, when the effects of the bonus in the last days of December were still being felt, the average price of petrol has risen by 15.8%, while diesel has seen a slight fall of 0.48%.
Currently, filling up a 55-litre tank of petrol costs 88.11 euros, while filling up with diesel costs around 79.91 euros. These prices represent a discount of 12.3 euros for petrol and 17.5 euros for diesel compared to last year.
It is important to note that current prices for both fuels are considerably below the peaks reached in June 2022, during the energy crisis caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. At that time, petrol cost 17.5% more and diesel 23.5% more.
Compared to other European countries, fuel prices in Spain remain below the EU average. During the last week, the average price of petrol was 1.738 euros per litre, while that of diesel was 1.589 euros. In the Eurozone, average prices were 1.794 euros per litre of petrol and 1.618 euros per litre of diesel.