What is AppNexus?
effectively. This allows them to innovate their businesses, as well as to make them stand out and transform them. As the world’s leading independent advertising technology company, AppNexus is directed by the pioneers of the original exchanges of ads on the web.
According to some studies, AppNexus‘ servers process 16 billion ad purchases per day. Last year they recorded an estimated turnover of 700 million dollars in the United States from spending on advertising, which made them the company that managed to position itself the best in the open network after Google.
Its DSP technology is a veritable goldmine for companies. It allows the Automatic Trading of audiences, facilitating greater effectiveness and profitability in their campaigns.
Yahoo! and Facebook operate more bulky exchange services, but these companies mainly sell their own inventory. Many recognise that AppNexus technology is the most flexible and fastest available. If there is an exchange platform that can compete with Google on the Internet advertising market, then it is AppNexus.