Julio Ariza: “The media is under the control of those who decide what to put in the spotlight”
Journalist Julio Ariza has analysed in the programme Dando Caña on El Toro TV how the media is controlled by a few men who decide what is news and what is not. And he insists that there are other things that happen around this magnifying glass that are equally or even more important.
“The perspective given by the most important media in the world is based on information from the Associated Press and France Press and from the six American news companies and some French and British ones. According to Julio Ariza, media control “is the water that bathes Westerners”, but these same waters do not bathe Hindus, Indonesians, Chinese or Russians, so there is more than one opinion in the world.
The West has fallen into the homogenisation of its sources
Ariza stresses that the West has fallen into an absolute homogenisation of its sources of information and that this has led to the cancellation of all sources that do not coincide with the official version. As a consequence, this has impoverished many people’s ability to think and/or criticise. For this reason, it is important that instruments such as this and others continue to live and grow so that people have a broad view of things.
If, as journalists, Ariza says, “we could go around the globe, we would see what headlines are in one place today that are not in another place today”. For example, “something that might be news in France today might not be news for us here”. That is why we have to look with a magnifying glass at what we are interested in, but there are some people who are in charge of putting the magnifying glass in one place and diverting the attention so that many others are not told, thus monopolising the control of the media. These people make it possible for something to happen where the spotlight is so that we have a completely different perception of reality and, as the journalist says, it is important to be aware of this.