Unions to challenge government’s regulatory shortcut to empower RTVE president
The start of Elena Sánchez’s term as president of Radiotelevisión Española continues to raise hackles. Criticism is growing over the way in which the government decided to grant Sánchez executive powers, through the modification of the Corporation’s statutes by SEPI and the Agreement of the Council of Ministers, instead of submitting the appointment to a vote by the Congress of Deputies, as warned by the House’s lawyers and RTVE’s legal services.
The trade unions have struck a blow on the table. In an extraordinary meeting, the Intercentres Committee has approved by absolute majority – with the votes of UGT, SI and USO and the abstention of CC.OO. and CGT – to challenge “immediately” this regulatory shortcut, considering it “illegal”, “without prejudice to the request for the precautionary suspension of these agreements, if the legal services advise it and if it does not harm the interests of the workers”.
In addition, these staff representatives have announced that they will challenge “each of the decisions of the Presidency of the Corporation, if these harm the interests of the Corporation and/or the workers of CRTVE”.
The regulatory shortcut to empower the new president is one of many controversial decisions recently approved by the Government regarding the Corporation. An Executive that has increased by 19% the injection to RTVE for 2023, up to 530 million, the highest figure since 2011, according to the draft General State Budget.