Gross annual salary increased by 3.5% in the Community of Madrid in 2022
The gross annual gross wage per worker in the Community of Madrid reached 30,348.34 euros in 2022, which represents an increase of 3.5% over the previous year, according to the results of the Annual Labour Cost Survey (ALCS), published by the National Statistics Institute (INE).
Thus, this gross annual wage per worker in the region represented 75.28% of the total labour cost, while the most important item of non-wage costs was compulsory Social Security contributions (8,758.41 euros per worker), which represented 21.72% of the cost.
Thus, wages and salaries plus social security contributions together accounted for 97% of the gross cost.
In total, the labour cost per worker in gross terms in the Community was 40,315.66 in 2022. If the subsidies and deductions received from the Public Administrations are subtracted, a net cost of 40,131.84 euros is obtained, with an annual growth of 3.3%.
National and regional data
On a national level, the gross annual wage per worker reached 25,353.22 euros in 2022, representing an increase of 4.6% over the previous year, and standing at its highest level since the beginning of the series, in 2008.
The INE explained that this gross annual wage per worker accounted for 74% of the total labour cost, while the most important item of non-wage costs was compulsory Social Security contributions (8,055.63 euros per worker), which accounted for 23.5% of the cost.
Considering the differences by territory, the highest labour costs in 2022 were in Comunidad de Madrid (40,131.84 euros), País Vasco (39,624.16) and Cataluña (36,739.55). In contrast, the lowest were observed in Extremadura (27,430.24 euros), the Canary Islands (28,722.58) and the Region of Murcia (29,961.87).
In terms of the variation in labour costs with respect to the previous year, the Canary Islands (10.8%), the Balearic Islands (9.3%) and La Rioja (5.3%) presented the highest rates. On the other hand, Región de Murcia (1.2%), País Vasco (2.5%) and Principado de Asturias (2.6%) registered the lowest increases.