Public Employment Service wants to hire an agency to improve its image
The State Public Employment Service (SEPE) suffered a major hack two years ago, which paralysed its activity for weeks and its effects lasted several months. This resulted in many people being unable to collect their benefits at a time of great need, such as the pandemic. In fact, even today, citizens still complain about the collapse of the SEPE.
This is causing a significant decline in the reputation of the public body, which is trying to combat this climate of negative opinion by digitally transforming its activity. To support this strategy, the SEPE wants to hire a specialised communications agency.
The SEPE does not have a communication department as such. Responsibilities in this area lie with the Subdirectorate General for Institutional Relations and Legal Assistance, which is responsible for publicity, communication and web maintenance.
The provider finally selected by the institution must draw up an external communication plan focused precisely on this digital transformation. It will also be responsible for managing the SEPE’s social networks, producing videos, press clipping and creating a brand structure for the agency’s sub-brands.
The contracted agency must also be an expert in more technical areas related to digital transformation, such as user experience, SEO and accessibility consultancy.
The public body wants to communicate its digital transformation with a contract worth almost 800,000 euros for three years.
The chosen agency must provide the client with a minimum of five professionals, including an art director and a consultant specialising in digital transformation.
This entire service is valued at 785,000 euros, with a contract that will last for a maximum of three years. The SEPE estimates the initial communication audit at 12,000 euros, the development of the strategic plan at 24,000 euros per year and the user experience, SEO, social media and accessibility consultancy at almost 54,000 euros.