Atresmedia will broadcast smaller, more select advertising blocks with sub-sector exclusivity
Atresmedia Publicidad is finalising its new commercial policy, marked by the emergence of new streaming platforms with advertisements. From 1 April, this division of the communication group will begin to invoice its advertising sales at cost per thousand contacts (CPM) instead of at cost per GRP, a historic and pioneering change in television in Spain.
The audiovisual group will apply this model, with a price of 20 euros per CPM, which will allow advertisers to know the number of unique users who consume Atresmedia, as reported yesterday at the commercial presentation at the Teatro Príncipe Pío in Madrid. The CEO of Atresmedia, Javier Bardají, stated that this step will allow “homogenising the currency of this audiovisual universe, but being aware that not all planets offer the same”.
The CEO of Atresmedia Publicidad, José Miguel García-Gasco, defended that the standardisation of the CPM will mean “putting all the attributes of audiovisual media in the same table, a reference, for comparison”.
The new commercial policy of Atresmedia Publicidad in the CPM era will also be marked by a reconfiguration of the advertising blocks which, according to García-Gasco, will be “smaller, more select and with subsector exclusivity”.
The presenter, Pablo Motos, exemplified this by indicating that his programme El Hormiguero, which currently broadcasts 6.5 minutes of advertising, will now offer two 2-minute blocks. In other words, the total amount of advertising time will be reduced, although it will be broken down into mid-rolls of 5 or 6 ads each. Advertisers will have “the privilege” of choosing in which position they prefer to appear.
El Hormiguero will divide its 6.5-minute advertising block into two slots of 2 minutes each.
Motos acknowledged that “I was happy because they take away two minutes of advertising”, after seeing that in the last three minutes of the current ad block, viewers switch back to Antena 3. “With two blocks, it’s a win-win,” he said. Advertisers will be able to check in real time, with Kantar Media’s measurement, the impact of their spots with this new model.
García-Gasco defended that programmes such as El Hormiguero – watched by 21 million Spaniards during a month – should be analysed “not from a linear point of view, nor in a specific slot on the television”, as “there is a lot of on-demand consumption, on streaming platforms, so we have to look at it holistically and globally”.
During the first month of CPM activation, this billing model will also coexist with GRP, to facilitate a transition, which has the support of the Spanish Association of Advertisers.
16 consecutive months of leadership
Atresmedia has been audience leader for 16 consecutive months. According to its data, the group accumulates a daily audience of 19.2 million unique viewers, 2.4% more than in 2019. In addition, 23 million Spaniards connect at some point during the day via Atresmedia’s media. Figures that, as the new measurement channels are adapted, will become even more accurate and important for advertisers and agencies.