Exam season: eleven public libraries in the region extend opening hours
The Community of Madrid is extending the opening hours of eleven of its Public Libraries. It has also informed that the Rafael Alberti (Fuencarral-El Pardo) and María Moliner (Villaverde) libraries will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The José Luis Sampedro (Chamberí), Pedro Salinas (Centro), Elena Fortún (Retiro), Acuña (Moncloa-Aravaca), Antonio Mingote (Latina), Javier Marías (Moratalaz), José Hierro (Usera), Miguel Hernández (Puente de Vallecas) and Luis Rosales (Carabanchel) libraries will be open every day from 9:00 to 1:00.
Rules of the public libraries of the Community of Madrid
For security reasons, in order to access the reading room, users (from 14 years of age) must identify themselves at the entrance to the library during opening hours with their ID card or any other official document.
Only the adult reading rooms will be used and no other services will be provided: lending, periodicals library service, children’s room, nor will access to the Internet and online databases be available, nor the reprography of documents.
The rules of use of the libraries must be respected by users at all times. Users may not smoke, eat, drink or use mobile phones and must treat the collections and facilities with respect.
Users may use the reference works located in the study areas.
Extraordinary opening with more than 1,500 reading places
A total of 1,505 reading places are offered, 266 in the Rafael Alberti and Maria Moliner libraries, and 1,239 in the other nine libraries that are extending their opening hours.
The programme for the extraordinary opening of the libraries of the Community of Madrid began in June 2004 and is currently held twice a year, coinciding with exam periods: January-February and May-July. In 2023 these extended hours will be from 21:00 hours on 12 May to 1:00 hours on 3 July.
Additionally, you can consult all the public libraries in the Community of Madrid, as well as their location and contact telephone numbers, through this link.